Joshua 10:13-15

The word uncommon simply means out of the ordinary or unusual or in one word remarkable. The word victory also connotes success or triumph or superiority. This put together means that the year 2016, God bring into your destiny extra-ordinary and unusual success, triumph

God will cause things to stand still until your victory is established. Year 2016 is not going to be just a normal year; it is going to be an uncommon year with uncommon victories. God himself will fight and win uncommon victories for you.

Never before in your entire life on earth have you encounter what God is about to do in your life. 2016 is your best year yet.

2016 is your year of Gods special favor and smiles over you. Psalm 44:1-8. It is going to be a year of Gods own power and strength to produce victories. It is going to be a year where God is going to pick ordinary people into extraordinary places by grace. Psalm 89:19-28, 113:7-8

2016 is going to be your year of uncommon miracles, signs and wonders. “Once again, before the coming of Jesus Christ, God is going to raise a people to do uncommon things through them. God is going to position people, his church to demonstrate His power, presence, signs and wonders as a prophetic generation in these last days.” I see the lord raising a Joshua and Nehemiah kind of generation again.


2016 shall be your year of fragrance. Every wall surrounding your fragrance shall be brought down, saith the lord. The lord shall deliver you from years of bondage and captivity and then will build walls to protect and give you power to defend your victories. Joshua 6

In the year 2016, the Lord shall preserve you until you step into your promised land. As God promises uncommon victories, the enemy shall strike with uncommon mischiefs, tragedies, losses, disturbing news over individuals, families and nations but in the midst of these, God will protect his own so do not be afraid.

We shall see unprecedented attacks like never before seen or heard yet do not be afraid, for I will ensure uncommon victories saith the Lord.

Pastor Kofi Amoateng

November 2024

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