40 Days Pray & fast Day 6

Day 6 [Joshua 3&4]
Today, our focus is on Newjoy International Gospel Church

. Thank God for this ministry and what God is doing.
. Pray to God to build His church against every prevailing power.
. Pray for God’s vision for Newjoy that by the Holy Ghost we will work & walk and not stumble. *Isaiah 51:3,11
. Pray for a church of faith, courage and boldness on the word without wavering.
. Pray that the resurrected Christ will be greater in our midst.
. Pray for the constant move of the Holy Spirit in our meetings and lives.
. Pray for every member of Newjoy to be filled with new joy.
. This season pray for more salvation of souls in our midst.
. Pray for wisdom for Pastors and leadership of Newjoy.
. Pray your own prayers for the church.

*Pray these prayers deep & wide to cover all areas Including our Church.
*Prayers every night 11pm-12am. Call in
*Prayers every Tuesday &Thursday, @ Pastor’s house.
